Sunday, April 4, 2010

Empty = Full

It was no coincidence that Beth Moore's message last week was so appropriately timed for this Easter Season.  I want to share some of what she talked about today.  Soak it in friends, it is some GOOD stuff!

Luke 24:5-6
"Why do you look for the living among the dead?  He is not here; he has RISEN!"

Because the tomb was EMPTY, NOTHING in our life is meant to be EMPTY; it is meant to be FULL, full of Grace, Faith, Proclamation, Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace!

Because of Christ's Glorious Resurrection, the tomb alone is EMPTY!

Are you living your life to the fullness that God has intended?  I know I haven't, and Beth's message was a wake up call for me.

I hope you have a wonderful Easter, remembering what we are truly celebrating!

We are what we are, because He is who He is!


~M~ said...

So true!

Callie said...

Amen! I hope you had a wonderful Easter! :-)