Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"What did Max do" Wednesday....

After our exciting announcement this morning, it is absolutely imperative that we have another installment of WDMDW!

So this week in the life of Max, he hasn't been too destructive (I have my cousin in town with his gf and he has been getting LOTS of attention).  However, in the process of getting ready for their arrival we started superblitzing (or rather I ran around going NUTS trying to do 6 months worth of cleaning in 2 days).  And in the process, Max found some new toys.....

Max also got presentable for the company that was coming...

Look at my 2 handsome boys!

Well I hope you all enjoyed this installment of WDMDW! CHeck back next week for more!


katie said...

good dog. I like when he wears a bandana!

Congrats to Rhett on the job!

shalay said...

OMG! Your dog is the cutest thing! I can't wait to get one someday.

Jon and Steph said...

How cute! Your dog is precious, I want one!!!

Unknown said...

congrats on your hubby's new job! that's awesome. what an exciting time!