Monday, January 17, 2011

motivation where are you?

First I want to thank you all for the sweet comments over my last 2 posts.  You don't know how much your comments have brightened my day!  I'm bad at responding back individually, but thank you much!


Over the past several months (including pre-baby), I have lacked some serious motivation.  I would blame it on the fact that my job afforded me little time to get anything done from Monday morning till Friday night, and that I could barely catch my breath over the weekend, before I started again.  Then I blamed the fact that when the baby "appeared," I could barely hold my eyes open for the 8+ hours at work and hold down the metaphorical cookies, before crashing into my bed at a consistent 8PM.  

Now I'm supposed to being the glorious 2nd trimester (15 weeks) and feeling energized and wonderful....and well I feel the same if not worse than I did at 7 weeks.  I caught some nasty cold making me feel like I was hit by a mack truck, and the nausea is still there.  (And please don't tell me it only gets worse....cause I like being optimistic that I won't feel this bad for the remaining 6 months, even if I don't feel any better).  I no longer work the 5 day a week job, which I am so thankful about, but I have no motivation for anything.

So I am asking all you readers out there, how do you motivate yourself, because more than likely you are all busier than I am, either with kids, clubs, hobbies, more difficult jobs, etc.  I feel overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done, and I know that's a huge part of my problem.  How do you break things up into "do-able" tasks, stay motivated through it, and still get it all done.  Ideally I would love to spend an entire day, organizing all the crap in our house, cleaning every speck of dust, and still have time to breath.  I know that at this point in time that is not realistic, and part of the reason why I can't get myself started on all the projects that need to be accomplished!

So please any input would be greatly appreciated.  Cleaning used to be cathartic to me, it is what would keep me sane during nursing school, but now I just let it all pile up, and stress me out!


Melissa E. said...

Hey girl! I was exhasted and overwhelmed most of my pregnancies. This time it wasn't until I started to get more energy 7-8 months) that I wanted things to be more organized around my house. I had made a monthly chart in which I sectioned off my house for 31 days. I started at my pantry and worked around our great room and ended in the garage/porch. See my blog. I never actually had the modivation to stick to it but this time I'm going crazy and doing each task a day. I have had to ask my hubby for help with the regular chorse like dishes, laundry and kids in order to focus on this everyday. I know that it will be easier once everything has a place but again I didn't even have energy to do this until this month. Also I think that in life we have seasons and even though I love to orginize I have never been able to do it. Also I found that during the evening I had energy but during the day I don't. So I focus on the kids and regular stuff during the day and work on the house at night. It does take time away from Brent and I but for 1 month it will be worth it and we can sit in our organized house and enjoy the baby. The other beautiful thing about this system is that you can set a timer for like 20 min and just work that long on each task\room a day. Don't beat yourself up if you get behind. I really like the system even though I just use it as a guide. You can also focus on one room a day and do one load of laundry a day so it doesnt' pile up. And really do understand that you don't realize how taxing pregnancy can be on you -you may not feel that different but your body has a lot going on and sometimes you just need to lay around and take it easy. Every thing a season -remind hubby if he need it. And by the way I don't know of hardly anyone that is sick for 9 months. It is around 16 wks that I start to feel a little normal again. Also you get used to being pregnant and I bet you will start to feel "good" soon! It is fun to have a big belly and be proud of your bundle. Sorry for the thesis. Hope it helps -love Melissa

Melissa E. said...

Hey girl! I was exhasted and overwhelmed most of my pregnancies. This time it wasn't until I started to get more energy 7-8 months) that I wanted things to be more organized around my house. I had made a monthly chart in which I sectioned off my house for 31 days. I started at my pantry and worked around our great room and ended in the garage/porch. See my blog. I never actually had the modivation to stick to it but this time I'm going crazy and doing each task a day. I have had to ask my hubby for help with the regular chorse like dishes, laundry and kids in order to focus on this everyday. I know that it will be easier once everything has a place but again I didn't even have energy to do this until this month. Also I think that in life we have seasons and even though I love to orginize I have never been able to do it. Also I found that during the evening I had energy but during the day I don't. So I focus on the kids and regular stuff during the day and work on the house at night. It does take time away from Brent and I but for 1 month it will be worth it and we can sit in our organized house and enjoy the baby. The other beautiful thing about this system is that you can set a timer for like 20 min and just work that long on each task\room a day. Don't beat yourself up if you get behind. I really like the system even though I just use it as a guide. You can also focus on one room a day and do one load of laundry a day so it doesnt' pile up. And really do understand that you don't realize how taxing pregnancy can be on you -you may not feel that different but your body has a lot going on and sometimes you just need to lay around and take it easy. Every thing a season -remind hubby if he need it. And by the way I don't know of hardly anyone that is sick for 9 months. It is around 16 wks that I start to feel a little normal again. Also you get used to being pregnant and I bet you will start to feel "good" soon! It is fun to have a big belly and be proud of your bundle. Sorry for the thesis. Hope it helps -love Melissa

Callie said...

I'd say the most important thing is to just get started. I usually lack motivation too, but then I just pick the smallest, most manageable task and start doing it - then once that is done I usually feel so good about accomplishing something that I just keep going!

Melissa said...

Just take it easy. Do what you can, when you can. Make my brother help you. And remember its not like you aren't doing anything. You are growing a baby! Of course you're tired! It will pass. You also may get those great nesting instincts at the end of the pregnancy. I went crazy during that time and organized and cleaned things that will probably never be organized or cleaned again. I know you have heard it before but no one ever says at the end of their life, "I wish i had cleaned more".

Love you guys! Praying for you and Sevey everyday, oh and Rhett sometimes ;)

Unknown said...

Girl, you need to meet the FLY Lady!

Anonymous said...

Awe, I think you can tell your pregnancy hormones thank you! I'm so sorry things are out of wack! I honestly was feeling CRAZY and so I prepared a binder from passionate homemaking. It has seriously changed my life. Both Gooner, Q and I are all much happier. When everything is planned out, life is just easier.

Marmie said...

I'm so sorry you have caught the Marmie desease! You will feel better--I know it. Just take care of yourself--I promise that the chores will not go anywhere. Get that Rhett to help as much as you can--Just yell at him REYETT I NEED YOU TO HELP ME!

Anonymous said...

Ah, the memories, the memories! Thank heaven I don't have to face this issue any more, but trust me - you will quickly forget about this experience and your life will explode! Just sit back, whip up a cup of your best coffee and be confident!