Since I decided to disappear again, this may be more an eclectic post than on one specific topic, so please bear with me.
1. I failed to let anyone who may still read this that the sweet baby I am carrying is a GIRL! Yay for pink, and bows, and all things girly! I have a fabulous profile picture, but I am at work at the moment, and don't have access to the file. I fully intent on sharing it with you all, hopefully before the baby is born!
2. Work and life has been incredibly busy. Or I should say that I have no idea where all the time goes. I do a lot of laying in bed when I am not working, and I don't necessarily feel the whole "you're growing a baby" can be a valid excuse. I mean when will I start wanting to nest and get things ready for the baby?
3. We just go back from the most wonderful vacation! We drove from Tucson to Midland, TX to Houston, to Austin, back to Midland, and then sadly wound up back in Tucson. I think it was so wonderful, because it was all focused on seeing family and friends, spending time with people we love, and seeing some of the best parts of Texas. I mean, honestly, Texas is the best state, and the green parts are fabulous (i.e. Austin, and Houston (only in the winter/spring for Houston though). I forget that grass is supposed to be green sometimes... I spent my 27th birthday with people that love us, and it couldn't have been better!
4. So coming back from such a great vacation, put me in a huge funk. My work schedule was all wonky (working like 2 nights on, 1 off, 1 on, 1 off, 2 on) which left me feeling like A)I never got to see my husband, B)I couldn't get anything done, and C)withdrawn, sun-deprived, and sad. Even though we have been here going on 2 years, I have yet to feel that true connection. Yes, we have found a church that has helped fill a void that we were missing for a while, but we don't have really any go-to people. My transition to a new unit, took me away from people that knew me a little bit, to a whole new unit where it's just hard to get established all over again, even though I work with some great people.
I miss having someone I can call up, schedule a lunch date, and just talk to. We know some great people, but it's hard, because I feel like they already have their people, and they don't really need any more. The awkwardness is hard to get past, and I know the more I put myself out there, the more friendships I will make, but it's SO hard when I feel like that's all I do, and continually yield no results.
If you made it to the end, you deserve a hug! I hope you all are doing wonderfully, I have done my best to read everyone's blogs, but haven't been the best at commenting! Again, I will work on this....
Congrats on expecting a girl!!!
I made my blog private so send me an e-mail if you want to read it!
We miss you too! I miss our lunches and time hanging out. I'm glad you had a good trip to Texas! I know how hard it is to come home from "home." It was hard for me too.
As for nesting, you might never really get it. I didn't. Hopefully you'll start feeling better later trimester and you will feel like getting ready for little one. :) Just Rhett painting and assembling. :) Love ya and Miss ya!
Yay for a baby girl! Congratulations!
And I totally understand about the no real connections thing. I'm just starting to feel connected with a few ladies but we're friends out of necessity, not necessarily by choice, since there are so few American women here!
Yay for a girl....congrats!
Aww yay little girl!! So precious!!!
And oh girl. Can I relate on the no friends/making friends is hard/I just need a lunch buddy/this is miserable thing. Hang in there, it gets better, I promise!!!
You guys are two of my favorite people in the whole world and are both very lovable, so I know you will find friends there. It has taken us over two years to start feeling like we are really making friends here other than Sus. If it doesn't work out y'all could just move in with us. We will make Aaron support us while Rhett goes back to school ;)
I don't know what you mean about not being able to make friends cause I have never left the city where I was born. This is fixing to change and I am very aprehensive about it. Then we will both be in the same boat. I love you and all will turn out I am sure of it. Keep smiling.
I hate the post-vacation blues. And yay for a baby girl! Congratulations!
Girl...I am here for you! I know I'm going through a funk right now, but you can call me up any time!! I hope to find a job that allows me more time with friends. All of the things you are going through with Tucson, not feeling connected, etc...I know how that feels! I've been here for almost seven years, and I'm pretty much still there.
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