This weekend we officially began work on the nursery.
We painted what I thought would be an easy on the eyes yellow, and got the big furniture into the room.
Here's Max trying to get in on the action....or at least his tail.
And our bedding choice, MONKEYS!
So here's the question. What's your first (and honest) opinion of the wall color. I will give you some choices:
a) WHOA my eyes hurt, wish I would have been wearing sunglasses...
b) Looks good!
c) It's a little much at first, but it's growing on me.
I like the wall color in natural light, but at night it's a little much. I'm hoping that when we start adding more things to the walls and in the room, it will look a little less shocking. I really have no desire to repaint the room, so we may resort to sponge painting the walls with a lighter color...
Oh and because I promised to post it, here is the most precious baby picture that I have ever seen....
I like the wall color.
I painted my bathroom a bright green color and hated it at first but the more I had to it the more I like it.
I think once you start filling the room up you won't notice as much of the color.
Oh my gosh! i don't think I've been to your blog in a while because I had no idea you were pregnant! Congratulations!!!
I think the color is beautiful! I"m a big color person, and even if it seems a bit much, you're right. You'll be adding stuff to the walls, more furniture, and it will all turn out great! Congrats!
The color is great! Don't change a thing!
I really like the color! It's very close to my bedroom walls. It will all even out once you get the room filled. Love the monkeys, too! Thanks for following my blog, congrats on your pregnancy!
I love it! Bright means cheery! So you will just have a cheery little baby!
Ohhhh! I love it all: the monkeys, the furniture, the baby photo. I think that with lamps and wall decor the color will be just right!
I love it all---the color, the monkeys and Annie's little nose. She will love it too!
I like the color, but I can't definitely understand how it might seem a little much with harsh lights on when it is dark out. I vote keep it as it is, and see how you feel once you have more stuff of the walls/in the room.
It's kinda bright, but I LOVE IT!!
So fun!
It's a beautiful color! Looks great with the white furniture too! Don't sponge paint!!! I love the monkey bedding!!
I think it's great! Definitely NOT too much! All the baby stuff will FILL up and look delightful! And she's already so sweet looking! I love her nose!
soooooo cute!!!!!!! Leave it!!!!! Can't wait to meet little annie!!
You need to update your blog :)
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